Monday 19 April 2010

thank you!

Thank you for your patience. I'm still not up to full strength, but considerably better than I was.

We had a few days away last week - already booked before I keeled over, so we went anyway, firstly to Cardiff to see daughter. She was in full singing, fluting and choir-directing mode, and we basked quietly in reflected glory. And in sunshine - we had lots of that. We also got together with the god-family. You can keep your hi-tech games, nothing beats an old-fashioned painted horses carousel, especially when you've got a three year old sitting in front of you and it's her first time on a roundabout.

Next stop was St Tiggywinkles. I'll tell you about Tiggywinkles later, but not now, because I want you to look at their site, and because St Tiggywinkles is a life-changing place that needs a post to itself. (With an owl sitting on it.) Google St Tiggywinkles. Now!

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