Wednesday 8 June 2011


Usually, when I've been meeting a new editor, I've gone to London or Oxford. But this particular editor offered to come to York, which made me feel such a VIP. As she'd come so far out of her way, the only place to take her was Betty's.

I may have blogged about Betty's before. It's the pinnacle of Yorkshire tea rooms, founded by a Swiss confectioner who settled in Yorkshire and combined the best of Swiss and Yorkshire traditional food. There are only five branches, all with an old-fashioned charm about them, and Little Betty's, in Stonegate, is the perfect place to go with an editor who had made such a long journey to meet me. (I hope you're going to google all these places.) We got to know each other and discussed lots of book related things that I can't tell you about yet.

Sometimes, being a writer is pure slog. Sometimes it's disappointment, frustration, and lack of confidence. At its best it's exciting, satisfying, self-motivating, inspiring, joyful, and addictive. And, on Monday, it was being in a very beautiful setting in one of the most breathtaking cities in Europe, getting to know a new friend and colleague over lunch at Betty's.


Rina said...

Someday I should like to go to Betty's... you make it sound so good. Unfortunately, I am on the wrong side of the big salt water!

margaret mcallister said...

If you ever do go to York, do try Betty's. If you get to the UK but only as far as London, the Victoria and Albert Museum is full of wonderful things, and I can recommend the beautifully art nouveau cafe downstairs. (Oh, now I'm thinking about cake...)

Deborah said...

Wahoo, more new books!?

I did google Betty's. The food was as pretty as I am sure it was delicious! I saw some yummies with fresh English Rozzberries, not American Razzberries. I love the way the English say Raspberry!