Wednesday 17 August 2011

Much the Gnome

We 'ad a garden full of kids today. Them two have got dozens of godchildren, we 'ad five of 'em 'ere today, and their mum and dad, and the dog. I ask you, a blooming god-dog! Mind, it were good to see the garden getting well used, that great stupid mutt bounding all over the place with them lads hurtling around after it.

Not the little ones, though. They were playing with the dolls' house, and when I say dolls' house, it aint no ordinary dolls' house. I can see it through the window from 'ere, nice bit of work is that, especially when you know how old it is. Father Christmas, with a great deal of help from 'er dad, made it when 'er was a little tot, and believe me, there's a lot of river gone under bridge since then. 'Er dad still give it a touch of paint now and again.

Then 'er come out with the littlies to cut some flowers for their mum. The little lad, 'e's only three year old, he stood with his hand out for the flowers, then when e'd got 'em all in a nice bunch 'e ran in to the house to give 'em to 'is mummy. Bless 'er, she thought he'd gone out there and helped himself, she nearly had a heart attack. Even me snail laughed.


Rina said...

Having a lot of small kids around can be nervewracking at times, but is also often beautiful. I have a friend with little siblings and her house is always so full of noise and laughter!

margaret mcallister said...

They are delightful, and I get a lot of hugs. It was lovely to see littlie toddling off to his mum with his chubby little fist full of sweet peas!