Monday 6 February 2012

Respect, ma'am

Whatever you think about the monarchy, you have to respect a woman who does the same job for sixty years and does it very well. Apparently the only day of the year when she doesn't have a despatch box to work through is Christmas Day. She still whizzes all over the world, charming the socks off world leaders and I believe she's capable of putting a Prime Minister in his/her place. This is a woman who was trained for the role from childhood, keeps informed, and knows her stuff. her family are a mixed bunch, but you can't do everything.

We had a family holiday in London when I was eight, and there was some big occasion - I can't remember what, but it involved the Queen, a horse-drawn carriage, lots of guardsmen and Horseguards Parade. Because my sister and I were smallish, we were pushed through to the front.

She appeared in the open carriage, and I remember she wore a yellow hat and coat. We waved. SHE SAW US. She smiled and waved back, and it was DEFINITELY AT US.

And just for a bit of pointless information -

she likes gin and Dubonnet

she loves dancing

she crossed a dachsund with a corgi to create a dorgi

her dream is for one of her horses to win the Derby

she's a good mimic

and she sent a congratulations card to my Mum and Dad on their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Do I get an MBE now?

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