Sunday 15 July 2012

catch up

I am almost where I need to be. At last. All my correspondence is up to date (until whatever comes in tomorrow.) I have been a good godmother by babysitting the Golden Child and her brother last night. By the way, a tub of bubbles costs 45p (I think that's about one dollar) and bring inestimable joy to two small children and one middle-aged woman. I'm still not sure why the cat bit me, but it wasn't anything to do with the bubbles, and he didn't draw blood. At two o'clock this morning I finished a major draft of the latest book. Now, it should only need its nails polishing before it goes to the publisher. I think I have sorted out the paragraphs on here, but this remains to be seen. The torrential rain has stopped, so I have been able to go out and attend to the poor battered and unseasonal garden. Tomorrow I will start on the housework, which looks as if Snow White got up left the dwarves to get on with it. And I've caught a cold. Grumble grumble sniff. And Helen says that a chest of drawers is where you keep your knickers. Atishoo.

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