Saturday 28 June 2014


If you watch Dr Who, or even if you just know a little bit about Dr Who, you will understand this.

I just read something that appealed to me enormously. It's about books.

A book looks very plain and simple. You could walk past one and not notice it. A book can take you anywhere in time and space.

A book is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

A book is a Tardis! I've written Tardisses! Or is it Tardii? This is so exciting!

If you don't know about Dr Who, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? In the meantime,if you're Who-less, let me just tell you that Rafa Nadal played a storming match at Wimbledon today, Much can't see over the lavender, Dodger is chasing pigeons, Tony's going to paint the front door red, and The Archers is beginning to look like the Wars of the Roses. maybe they've all been in a Tardis too.


Clara said...

What? What? You're a Whovian as well? How exciting! I had never thought about books being Tardisses or Tardii, but it certainly makes sense, and I'm sure the Doctor would agree with you. ;) Who's your favorite reincarnation of the Doctor? I find myself swinging constantly between Ten and Eleven...bowties ARE cool, after all!


margaret mcallister said...

Kindred spirit! Yes, Geek chic Tennant or wild windmill Smith? They are both so good in such different ways, I can't choose. Before Matt Smith we never knew that Dr Who speaks baby. "And she's Mummy to you, not 'big milk thing'".
Funnily enough, my husband was saying 'allons-y' before the Doctor did...