Thursday 20 November 2014

Flop and Sleep

Yesterday I was out all morning, for the first time since I've been ill. By the time I came home, all I could do was flop and sleep. That isn't a very interesting thing to tell you


Flop and Sleep. They are characters. They may be

The two laziest servants in the castle

A couple of dogs who never want to go for walkies

The two zookeepers who let the animals do what they like because they're hardly ever awake - and then when they do wake up they find the animals all partying up a tree, or in the hippo pool, or something

Over to you.

It reminds me of a town in West Yorkshire, which, wonderfully, is called 'Idle'. It's home to the Idle Methodists, the Idle Mothers' Union, and, my favourite, The Idle Working Men's Club.


Clara said...

Ah, I love the idea of Flop and Sleep as characters! Hee hee! Really, I hope you get to feeling better. As much as I love the characters Flop and Sleep, it must not be much fun to ACTUALLY flop and sleep! ;)

margaret mcallister said...

They may have a book one day! Thank you for your kind wishes. Slowly, I am becoming more human!