Friday 19 December 2014


My back is definitely crocked. I toddle around a bit, do what I need to do, then sit down with a story to write or a book to read. (At this time of year, I'm reading Terry Pratchett's Hogfather again. Can recommend.) Much tells me that now I know what it's like to have a back made of blooming stone. Hamilton Bear has soft squishy stuffing to hold him up, and says it's much more sensible than a tower of bones going all the way from your head to your bottom. He may be right.

I can do most of what I normally do, but very slowly and with care. The first few steps after getting out of a chair are extremely unpredictable, so on Wednesday, when I was really struggling to get about, I bought a stick. I love it.

In a small, friendly town like this people notice if you have a stick. They are very patient with you at market stalls. They wait in their cars while you hirple across the road. (Hirple, BTW, is a Scots word for 'hobble' or 'limp'.) And they sort of melt away as I approach. Whether this is to give the poor limping lady room or to get out of the way of an eccentric biddy who might whack you with her stick, I don't know. But I suggest it's an indication that most people are really kind and considerate at heart.


Unknown said...

You need a healer....

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Im guessing you have seen my email and it arrived.

Unknown said...

What are the animals doing on Whitewings nowdays? How is Queen Lurch? Have the islanders seen any more otters besides Corr?

margaret mcallister said...

Merry Christmas, Samantha! I replied to the last e-mail I had from you and haven't had anything since. I hope you're well. Queen Larch sends her love and says they have a whole colony of otters now :)

Unknown said...

wich email....this is fusterating!!!!

Unknown said...

FINALY!! After weeks of not reciving emails I figured out the probleam. My account that I have emailed you from for years has been hacked. Please use gmail from now on. I sent you two emails. You should get them.