Sunday 25 January 2015


Last weekend a group of us were sitting round a table when a small person spilt her orange juice. She looked very upset for a moment until we all assured her that it didn't matter, it wasn't important, it was easy to clear up and would she like another drink? It reminded me of a morning nearly ten years ago now, when Tony and I were in New York. The US publisher of Mistmantle had invited us over for the Book Fair, and put us in a gorgeous hotel near Central Park. It doesn't get much better. They did the most amazing breakfasts I have ever seen in my life. Even by New York standards, those breakfasts were awesome.

On this particular morning I was pouring out the coffee when I spilt some on the starched white cloth. When a smiling, motherly woman came to clear the table I went all British and apologetic - 'I'm so sorry, I've spilt coffee on your tablecloth...'

"That's no problem!" she beamed down at me, and looked down at the cloth. "Is that all? Oh, now honey, don't you worry about that! Honey, let me tell you, if the worst thing that happens to me today is a little spilt coffee, then life is good!"

I often think of her. Life is good!


Unknown said...

life is awesome! We cant live with humor and music! I swear, we cant live without thease things because there would be no enjoyment in life. And food and drink, cant live without that either. If we didnt have them we would die,

margaret mcallister said...

And hugs

Unknown said...

hugs are awesome,too. saying somthing simple and nice goes a long ways...sure help me when im having bad days.