Wednesday 24 February 2016


So many things are puzzling me just now. How to get into the garage is one of them, as the dishwasher is parked in front of the door. The kitchen is still in a state of disorder as the damp has been stopped, but everything else is fluid. I could swear cupboards change places in the middle of the night, and the ones that are destined for the tip are trying to climb out of the windows. The sink has been reconnected but the hot and cold taps are the wrong way round.

(US readers - tap = faucet)

I'm puzzled that all kitchens are supposed to be fitted. A fitted kitchen unit is something with a back that drops off, and you can't reach behind it to find out what's making that noise/smell/damp patch on the wall. What's the matter with cupboards? I have to explain to everyone involved in this process that I DON'T WANT A FITTED KITCHEN. I have to say it several times a day. I fear I will start saying it to the postman, strangers in the street, the cat in the garden. Much and Hamilton, not to mention Tony, duck when they see me coming. I need to open a window and shout - I DON'T WANT A FITTED KITCHEN!

(US readers - postman = mailman)

I'm puzzled about The Archers, because none of them have worked out what a ratbag Rob Tichener is. (Except Kirsty, and I suspect he's hiring a hitman for her.)

I'm puzzled about what Boris Johnson is for. I'm puzzled about why anyone votes for Donald Trump. I am sure of this, though - I am absolutely rock-solid sure, that I have the most wonderful, outstanding, life-changing amazing children in the world. Bless you.

(US readers - Boris Johnson = you don't want to know.)


Unknown said...

Hi from NZ! Lady Sunshine agrees with you about your children. Sounds like you need a good second hand furniture shop for cupboards etc. Try and swap the sideboard for something ;-)

Elinor said...

For US readers, Boris Johnson = Donald Trump.

margaret mcallister said...

On a bicycle :)